What is Propaganda

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Miriam Webster defines propaganda as follows:

  1. When capitalized : a congregation of the Roman curia having jurisdiction over missionary territories and related institutions
  2. The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person
  3. Ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause also : a public action having such an effect

While the first definition is where the word originally arose, it is the second two definitions that are in full force and effect today with the last one being most predominant. You may be wondering why this is important, stay with me a short while longer and it will become clear.

It is not possible to talk about propaganda , or Public Relations, without mentioning the name Edward Bernays. Edward was the nephew of the famous phycologist Sigmund Freud and is widely known as the father of public relations. In 1928 he wrote a book entitled Propaganda.(1) This is important because propagands is one one of the majhor tools of public realtoins even today.

In this small book Edward Bernays explains that propaganda ,which many generally think of as being evil in all respects, is in fact a necessary activity in a free society. He explains that in order to get people to act a specific way they need to be taught, otherwise there will be chaos and random activities.

Since the term Propaganda has such a negative connotation, most people today refer to this activity as Public Relations. If you wish to see the connection, all you need is a web search on the words - Public Relations. Immediately you will find phrases like:

  • Public relations is the art of managing how information about an individual or company is disseminated to the public
  • Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other.
  • Public relations ( PR) is the practice of managing and disseminating information from an individual or an organization (such as a business, government agency, or a nonprofit organization) to the public in order to affect their public perception. {And I would include 'cause action' in this defintion.}

Note these phrases indiacte the use of public relations by any organization including the government, public and private enterprise, and even individuals. There is hardly any organized human activity that does not enbrace Public Relations for that activity and Propaganda is the tool most often used.

It has been said that any idea widely believed by the public was bought and paid for my some entity. Consider the following:

  • We bring good things to life {This started as We bring good thins to light when they only sold light bulbs.}
  • I'd like to buy the world a coke
  • A Hearty breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • Bacon, its part of a hearty breakfast.

The last two famous ideas were used by Edward Bernays himself. It seems the pork industry was throwing away most of the fatty part from the belly of the pig. Bernays was hired to find a way to sell that part of the pig and bacon as part of a hearty (implying healthy) breakfast was born. That process was so powerful, that although it originated in the early 1920's it is still believed 100 year later. It has now been determined there was no science behind that recommendation, but there were thousands of doctors telling this tale to their patients. Many still do.

Why am I so interested in this process? Well, for good or evil, it is still with us, but today there is a difference. The diferece is the immense amount of research into what makes people belive then subsequently act on ideas. This research is tapped daily by government, industry, and even individuals to train the public in the "Correct" way to think and act.

Do you want people to wear a face mask? Tell them it is needed to protect them, their friends and family from a feared disease. Even go so far as to say it is unpatriotic not to wear one for the sake for the country. Then repeat this message on as many outlets as you can so it reaches the public on a dialy basis. It does not matter if the idea is true or not. Just present it enough times and have it presented by the "experts" and it will be believed. Look back over the past few years and try to spot the propaganda. There is a lot to find so you won't need to look very hard.

I will mention acts of propaganda frequently as I dive into the various topics on this web site.

Please don't get me wrong. I am all in favor of propaganda when it is uses for honest purposes. Getting me to like one product, company, or idea over the competition is great. It provides me with good information so I can make a better decision. What I am opposed to is using the tools of propaganda to spread lies, falsehoods and half-truths as is done much too often.

Homework - Take some time today and look for propaganda. Check multiple sources to see if it is true or false and rate the source based on what you find. I have identified several pieces of propaganda inteh Myths and Fables section of this website.

(1) - There are many places where this book is available online. Here is one of them if you would like to read it for yourself. https://archive.org/details/BernaysPropaganda/page/n9/mode/2up Or you can order your very own copy from Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Propaganda-Edward-Bernays/dp/0970312598/ref=sr_1_1 If you use this link to order, I get a small payment toward the continued operation of this web site at no cost to you.