About the author and this web site

I often wonder if I am living in a simulation. A world in which I am but a figment of someones imagination. Then I see the smile on my grandson's faces as they yell: "PoP" and runs toward me with arms wide open. Next, I see the smiles and love in the eyes of my friends, my daughters from both wives, their husbands and their friends. Later as I awake in the morning and gaze out the bay window of my bedroom to see a bright sunny day flowing across the meadow with soft white puffy clouds floating by. It is then I realize what a wonderful day awaits my participation and what a wonderful world we all live in. I wish everyone could see this world out their own window on a daily basis.

Image of Lake Louise in Canada  showing the whier glacier above that feeds the lake.

Lake Louise, Alaska. The white area is the glacier which feeds the lake.

Then all at once it hits, a program comes on the TV, an e-mail arrives or there is a new article in one of the medical journals and I am reminded that not every one sees the world through my eyes.

Which brings me to the purpose of this website. To show you, the reader, a glimpse of the world as I see it through my eyes. I hope "The Matrix", movie fans appreciate learning how I came to take the Red Pill many years ago

After almost 80 years of circling the sun while spinning around in circles, I have seen, and done many things. I was sitting in my high school government class when the news came over the intercom telling of the assassination of President Kennedy (There was no TV in the room). I watched in awe as the first human foot landed on the moon. I watched the invention of the ubiquitous cell phone and was instrumental in the development of PeachNet The Network for Education in Georgia. I have been a father (twice), a business owner (4 times), and through my physical and mental abilities I have twice saved a human life. The first was a child I rescued from the lake when I was just a child. I was not a very good swimmer, but I was the only one that could get to him in time. It was a wonderful feeling, when I managed to get us both out of the water, but it was the second time that changed my life forever.

I received word at work that mother-in-law was in the hospital and not expected to live out the week. As I drove home, I stopped at my friendly used book store, as I frequently did, and it was there I accidentally found a book called the Physician's Desk reference. It contained all the package inserts for all current medications. While it was out of date, I decided to purchase it anyway and immediately wondered what drugs I could look up. I chose the drugs my mother-in-law was being given in the hospital. While there were many large words I could not understand at the time, there were 8 words that made perfect sense to me - "DO NOT GIVE DRUG A WITH DRUG B" written in bold capitol letters across the top of two drugs she was being given. Since I had no knowledge how serious that admonition was, I made photocopies at the library the next day and sent the copies with my wife when she went to see her mother.

In her words: "You would have thought I thrown a hand grenade into the nurses station! Pandemonium broke out. There were doctors and nurses running in and out of the room, taking notes, and yelling at one another." When all was quiet again, it seems she had two doctors and neither of them were checking on what the other was prescribing. The short version of the story is that my dying mother-in-law was back on her riding lawn mower cutting her grass in less that two weeks.

This episode convinced me to purchase a medical dictionary (1) and learn to read those big words, My intention was to never let that happen to anyone in my influence ever again.

Such was the start of my decades long climb down the deep winding rabbit-hole of conventional medicine which branched out into nutrition, diet, toxins in the food and air then even into the activities and politics behind what I learned.

Now as I experiment with new processes trying to extend my Health-span(2), I find that many people live the last years of their life with serious impairment, Obesity, Diabetes, Heart failure, Dementia, Kidney failure and COPD to name a few. At 78 years of age I am a miracle of modern medicine, having survived broken bones, thyroid cancer, large B cell Lymphoma, a faulty heart valve, parathyroid disease, and infectious asthma, among other maladies. All of which have been corrected by modern medicine AND my willingness to step outside the box for a cure. I now find I likely have an additional 25 years or so to live in good health.

While I don't want another job, with then encouragement from one of my medical doctors, I do feel the need to give back to the world some of what I have learned as repayment for all the good times in my life. NOTE: To everyone reading. I make it a point to learn from, then forget all the bad things that happen in life. As the saying goes: "Don't look back, that is not the way you are going."

It is my hope and desire that the reader finds just one nugget of truth they can use to improve their own life or the life of others. If so my purpose in writing will have been fulfilled.
Owner Picture

Jerry W. Segers

(1) The one I chose was the
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. If you purchase with this link I will get a small payment to help maintain this web site at no cost to you.

2) - Lifespan is well known as the measure of the length of time from birth to death. Average lifespan is currently 79 years in the US and up to 86 and climbing in other countries. (Why?) The term Health-span was coined in 2018 to record the number of years of life free of disease or infirmities. So far there are no national records, but everyone agrees that it needs to be longer and the longer the better.