Mental Health

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Mental health from Parkensons Disease to Bipolar Disorder, and brain fog to Alzheimer's Dementia, all seem to be related. Currentl research is showing the ony real differnce is the portion of the brain afected. This secton explores the latest researh into brain health.

I will start this section with a quote:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”
- Henry Ford

The above quote was directed to people attempting to produce new products or develop a new idea, but also applies to physical and metal illness and to life in general.

The brain is a very powerful organ. It has a two-way connection to every part of the body. It can make you sick or it can make you well. For this reason, a long healthy life starts with a good mental state. Sadness, stress, anger, or just a moody feeling caus the immune system to decline, and induces many other detrimental physical and mental changes.

One of the worst things that can happen to a human is to lose hope, so if you desire to live a long healthy life, remember the words of Henry Ford above. If you truly believe you can live a long and happy life, you are well on your way to accomplishing that goal, but if you believe you will die early or succumb to some dread disease, you have already doomed yourself to a miserable life.

This leads to the question: "How do I change the way I think?" Many people find that prayer and meditation help when practiced regularly. Studies show that eople who pray and/or meditate are generally healthier than those who don’t. In a less religious direction, there is an entire field of study known as Neurolinguistics.

Neurolinguistics is the study of how the brain processes language and how we think. One key premise of this field of study is known as self-talk. Many, if not most people have a running dialog in their head. This dialog controls the way they think by training their subconscious mind. One easy way to take advantage of this self-talk is to follow the example of Jack LaLane1 an early TV physical fitness guru. He had a saying which he repeated to himself many times per day. I have this same saying taped to my mirror so I see it every day when I shave and I repeat it out loud several times per day. The saying is:

Every day, in every way,
I am getting better, and healthier, and happier!

By repeating this saying upon first arising, at bed time, and throughout the day, I am training my subconscious mind in the way I want to live. The subconscious mind then directs my actions along the path to better mental and physical health. Small changes like this can initiate big changes for the better in your thoughts and behavior and it cost nothing to try. It should be obvious that it is possible to do all three, Improved self talk and prayer and mediation. While I can find no research on the combination, it seems reasonable they will work together. I know they do for me.

Another way to change the way you think about disease is to look at the amount of research being done daily. PubMed(!) is the federal repository for medical research in the US. A search for the disease Bi-polar disorder for example produces 57,947 different research papers and this contains only a smattering of research from other countries. There is another entire repository of research in Europe for example.

Research Chart 2

Above is a graph showing when these 57,947 bi-polar disease studies were completed. Note the shape of the graph is exponential with the amount of research increasing at an increasing rate. Clearly there is more information being generated than one human or even one group of humans can fully understand in a lifetime.

To overcome this human limitation, there are multiple organizations working on deep computer learning systems known as Artificial Intelligence (AI) to analyze this information and put together new treatments for ailments for which there is no cure today.

Ray Kurzweil, (2) inventor, futurist and director of engineering at Google, has predicted that by 2030 we will have produced a computer which can simulate the human body at the cellular level. When this has been accomplished it will be possible to do simulation experiments safely with treatments for diseases like bi-polar disease and identify a cure or at least a treatment that works.

In case you doubt that such applications are possible, take a look at what is already available. Using the link below you can explore drug and supplement interactions using an AI curated corpus of 2,044 supplements, 2,793 drugs and 59,566 interactions. This system is publicly available. To use it, enter the name of a drug or supplement of concern and the system will produce a list of known interactions marked good(Green), Neutral(Orange), or bad(red). In addition, it provides a paragraph explaining the interaction and a link to the underlying research. Take a few minutes to explore anything you are taking, you may be surprised.

Clearly the best is still to come.

(1) -
This website indexes much of the available research. Type the name of a subbed of interest and click search.
(2) -
Ray Kurzweil -


Jerry W. Segers is not a doctor or other medical professional. He does not give medical advice. If you need medical advice please see a medical professional. There is nothing on these pages intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information presented here is from my own personal experience or gleaned from reading medical literature for over 50 years. If anyone chooses to follow any information on this website or e-mails, they do so at their own risk. Like all other sites on the Internet it is up to the reader alone to determine if sone piece of information is suitable for any purpose whatsoever. I hope you are entertained by what you find herin.