Myths and Fables

When Medicine Became A business The Flexner Report

By Jerry W. Segers Aug 13, 2022

In the late 1800’s medicine was all “holistic’ medicine. There were medicine men and women, shaman, witch doctors, mothers, and grandmothers that transferred treatments and cures down from generation to generation. Natural healing was the name of the game all across the United Stated. There were multiple medical schools teaching nutrition, laying on of the hands, and other techniques. And of course, there were the outright charlatans that sold bogus cures and snake oil for everything from a broken heart to cancer.

Then in 1901, John D. Rockefeller founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. This institute joined forces with the Carnage Foundation to hire Abraham Flexner to research ways to improve the credibility of the medical system.

In 1910 the book length Flexner Report was published. This report, influenced by the German Medical Education of the time, decried the lack of uniformity in medical education and since Flexner was a firm believer that medicine must be based on science not witchcraft or ‘Old-Wives-Tales” his report made it clear that honest medicine must be based on science. This was the original basis for the current admonition to “Follow the Science”

There were of course others who clamed that Flexner was too focused on the science and he was ignoring the human and clinical side of medicine. but Flexner and his backers had both the prestige and money, which they poured into lobbying congress to create the FDA, publishing books about the science and funding medical schools across the country to teach the new “Science” based medicine.

Practitioners of all other forms of medicine were labeled charlatans, snake oil salesmen, or quacks and relegated to the fringes of medicine to make way for the new scientific teachings that focused only on patented drugs which relieved the patient’s symptoms. This “advancement” completely ignored the person being treated, what their body was capable of doing itself, how food helped or hindered health , the herbs that has worked for centuries as well as the needs and desires of the patient. Modern medicine was, and still is, all about mechanically finding a profitable drug that relieves the symptoms of disease while ignoring simple actions and nutriments that could actually cure the disease.

This played well with the Rockefeller’s since these new medicines were oil based and coincidentally, the Rockefellers owned a big part of the petroleum industry so moving into drug manufacturing was only a small step. Even today the Rockefeller family owns about ½ of all drug companies. Medical schools have faculty funded by the drug companies, the majority of medical research funding comes from the drug companies and the largest medical publishing company is Merck, a drug company.

For these reasons, there is little or no research on natural cures, the part food plays in our health, nor any other such matters because there is no money to be made in that line of research. The FDA has made the approval process so onerous, only the drug companies can afford the cost of getting a substance approved to sell as medicine. In addition, the FDA prosecutes any peson or any company that claims a non-approved drug can treat or cure any disease even when there are years of accumulated success stories for the non-approve drug with no detrimental effects known in all that time.

In short, drug companies and the government organization that regulate them have lost all their scruples (If they ever had any) and they solely focused on profits. Unfortunately, there is little money to be made from healthy people so curing disease is not even considered. They focus only on identifying sick people to treat then patenting a drug or procedure to sell at a great profit.

Please don’t misunderstand, I am a big fan of modern medicine. I am quite sure that I would not be alive if it were not for the well-trained doctors with modern patented medicines to repair my body from bones dislocated in a bicycle wreck as a child to the repair of a heart valve torn in a motorcycle wreck, to the remission of stage 2 Large b-cell lymphoma. I am truly a miracle of modern medicine; however, If I had left it to the medical profession to tell me how and what to eat, what chemicals to use and how to take care of my body, I would have died at the age of 45 with a body weight of 350 pounds. So, if I am ever in a car accident, take me to the nearest hospital. I will be well treated, but if I have a disease of old age like diabetes, I will stay far away from the medical community. They do not have cures, only treatments that you must take to hold the symptoms at bay while the disease itself continues damaging the body.