Myths and Fables

Does cancer contains microbes?

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Once again, I am reminded of what happens when unbelievable information is suppressed. Start with the belief that cancerous tumors contain either bacteria or viruses. Is that true or false? And if true, how long has that fact been known?

The current case involves new research as described in a recent article in the Journal Cell. (1,2) The two pertinent passages are: “… there are microbes that actually live within cancerous tumors.” and “… depletion of tumor bacteria significantly reduced the tendency of lung cancer to spread to distant areas.” This revelation came in a study dated April 14, 2022 which is about as new as it gets.

But wait, I think I read this before,

Starting almost 100 years ago Dr. Royal Raymond Rife discovered this very fact. By 1933, he claimed he had built a microscope that could visualize these microbes and shortly thereafter he constructed a machine that could, using radio waves, cause these microbes to be destroyed without harming normal tissue thus curing cancer. In 1934 sixteen terminally ill cancer patients came to his laboratory and according to the local newspaper they were all cured.

It is still unknown how his microscope worked as light waves are too long to resolve something the size of a virus or a bacteria. All that is known is that lots of folks wanted his invention whatever it was destroyed.

It seems this newly discovered scientific fact that there are microbes in cancer nodules has been known for almost 100 years .

If you are interested in why you never heard about Dr Rife’s invention , here is a link to a one page summary of the suppression of his ideas which are only now been rediscovered.(3)

Please note I make no claim about the accuracy of any of these claims. I am only noting that there are times in medical history when something is discovered, then suppressed then even later it is "rediscovered" to be accurate. In my view, this has happened more often that you may think.

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