

The thyroid produces hormones that are used by the body to control the burning of food for energy, and thus body temperature. If the thyroid output is low, your basal metabolism is low and weight loss will be all but impossible.

There are many chemicals in our diet that affect the thyroid. For example, the iodine required by the thyroid to produce the thyroid hormones has been removed from the food supply only to be replaced by Bromine, Fluorine, and Chlorine which are similar chemicals, but block the action of the thyroid hormones. Doctors are afraid of iodine because they claim, based on a 1940’s study, that too much iodine will stop the thyroid gland from working. We now know that result was wrong, but that is what is still being taught in medical schools.

The following was taken from the Merck Manual Professional edition published as a reference manual for doctors.

“Chronic toxicity may develop when intake is > 1.1 mg/day. … Paradoxically, excess uptake of iodine by the thyroid may inhibit thyroid hormone synthesis (called Wolff-Chaikoff effect). Thus, iodine toxicity can eventually cause iodide goiter, hypothyroidism, or myxedema. “

The problem was the test being used by Drs Wolff and Chaikoff to determine thyroid function. Doctors are still taught to test the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) level, if it is low the thyroid is over acting and if is high the thyroid is slow or stopped. Modern medicine can now measure the actual output of the thyroid, and it is known the TSH level is not a good indicator of thyroid activity. This is why there are multiple tests listed under thyroid in the list above. Unfortunately, most doctors still rely on the TSH value as a measure of thyroid function.

It is possible for many people to regain proper thyroid operation by supplementing with iodine. This will be an individual effort because even A4M doctors are taught that more than 1 mg of iodine, see above quote, per day will stop the thyroid while it takes 18 to 50 mg along with companion nutrients to restore proper thyroid function.

Instead of Iodine, the standard medical response is to prescribe thyroid hormones. This is where and A4M doctor is better. They will look at all the output of the thyroid and prescribe the correct replacement and not just depend on the TSH levels. Standard medical doctors only prescribe T4 and depend on your body to convert the correct amount to T3. This conversion seldom happens correctly as you get older, but your T4 levels rise and your TSH levels come down so your doctor says your thyroid is perfect, but you still gain weight and feel terrible.

If you want to know more about the thyroid read the following web site and book.

General Thyroid information you can trust

Iodine, why you need it and why you cannot live without it. A book by DR. Brownstein. If you are interested in going the iodine route this is a must read.

NOTE: It is an interesting side note that the TSH level only tells the thyroid gland more action is needed. The actual action is up to the thyroid. The interesting part is that breast tissue, ovaries and other body parts have iodine receptors and need iodine. Iodine cannot enter these cells without the help of another molecule known as the Sodium-Iodide Symporter molecule. This symporter molecule is made by the thyroid gland and when more iodine is present, the TSH level goes up to tell the thyroid to make more stuff and the thyroid makes more symporter molecules. This increase in TSH was why Drs Wolff and Chaikoff made the mistaken assumption the thyroid stopped working in the presence of excess iodine. This fact has now been established fact through multiple studies, some as early as the year 2000, yet the Merck Manual and most doctors still notes the effect as “Paradoxical” 22 years after the error was discovered.


Jerry W. Segers is not a doctor or other medical professional. He does not give medical advice. If you need medical advice please see a medical professional. There is nothing on these pages intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information presented here is from my own personal experience or gleaned from reading medical literature for over 50 years. If anyone chooses to follow any information on this website or e-mails, they do so at their own risk. Like all other sites on the Internet it is up to the reader alone to determine if sone piece of information is suitable for any purpose whatsoever. I hope you are entertained by what you find herin.