

Directly related to the hormone problem is stress. Stress increases the level of the hormone cortisol in the blood. Cortisol is the fight or flight hormone that prepare the body for rapid hard action. When it is high, the body takes on more fuel and conserves what fuel it has in order to be ready for action (Think stores fat for fuel). if you are interested in weight loss, stress reduction should be at the top of your action list.

As part of the start-up process, a cortisol test is a worthwhile endeavor. Atlanta Internal and Integrative medicine prefers a saliva test to the blood test used by LEF. The saliva test checks the rise and fall throughout the day. The blood test only tests a single point in time.

Here are three good ways to reduce stress. The first is meditation (Or prayer if you are so inclined). As few as 20 minutes per day can make a significant reduction in stress levels.

Another way to reduce stress is to get enough restful sleep. Whether it is a better bed, a darker room, or just more time with your eyes closed, good sleep is important. I shoot for 8 - 9 solid hours per night. Some people need more, others get by with less.

If you wake in the middle of the night. Get up and read, grade papers, do crafts, etc. for 30 minutes or so, then resume sleep. Just be sure to adjust your total sleep time to remain the same. Even in the Bible they talk about first and second sleep. Science has now proven that two 4-hour sleep cycles is as good as one 8 hours session so don’t fret over waking in the middle of the night with your brain active and not wanting to sleep.

The final way to reduce stress is exercise. Again, a short walk will help. Park at the far side of the lot when you go to work or school to increase your walk time. Inclines and stairs are beneficial. I used to laugh at my boss. Even in a 15-story building, he never met a set of stairs he did not like. Now I wish I had walked with him instead of riding the elevator.

If you are already frail and have trouble exercising, a vibrating platform machine can help. Here is a review of a few top machines.


Jerry W. Segers is not a doctor or other medical professional. He does not give medical advice. If you need medical advice please see a medical professional. There is nothing on these pages intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information presented here is from my own personal experience or gleaned from reading medical literature for over 50 years. If anyone chooses to follow any information on this website or e-mails, they do so at their own risk. Like all other sites on the Internet it is up to the reader alone to determine if sone piece of information is suitable for any purpose whatsoever. I hope you are entertained by what you find herin.