
How to Start

<P< In any health improvement program, it is best to determine where you are before you start so you can track your progress. Here are the blood tests I have found useful.

If you are willing to wait, they put these test on sale at about 1/2 price once or twice per year.

Many of these tests will be referenced in the information below. If you already have some of these test results and you need help understanding them there are several places to look. Here is the test menu from LabCor.

If you enter some test, say reverse T3, into the search box you get the “Normal Ranges” and usually some commentary about what each test result means. You will need to scroll past the test details to see the notes at the bottom.

For those new to this process, here is how these “Normal” ranges are generated. They first run the test on several thousand patients that have no known illness. The average of these is the center of the range. The range is then defined as one standard deviation (A statistical measure of variation) above and below this number. Consider what this means if the entire population is low or high in the measured item. It means the range is wrong, but no one knows the error has occurred. Instead of the normal range, what you want to shoot for is the optimal range and in many cases the optimal range is not known so the normal range is the best we can do.

If you are still unsure what a test means you can ask your doctor or you can sign up for the LEF Premier Program. This program cost $49.95 per year and they give that back in the form of a $50 of product credit. As a Premier member you can call them and they will explain any test result and give you hints on what you might do to change the numbers for the better. They CANNOT give you medical advice. As a side note, this is where I get most of my supplements.

One word of caution. If you are of the persuasion that the doctor knows best and you always follow their advice, you may be surprised and even shocked when I suggest otherwise. You, must choose which to believe. My only admonition is that you must take care of your health. You have more at stake than either I nor your doctor so make your choice wisely.

Just so you know, I am a miracle of modern medicine. I would not be here without the excellent care provided by my doctors. From bone dislocations in both bicycle and motorcycle wrecks, to parathyroid failure to 5 years cancer free, I am eternally grateful for the services I received. Because of this experience, if I am ever in an accident or have a heart attack or stroke, please get me to the nearest medical center. They have the knowledge and capability to bring me back to life; however, if I am beset with some lifelong illness, excess weight or I need preventative medicine, please keep me as far away from standard medical care as possible. The medical community has neither the knowledge nor ability to cure or prevent most chronic diseases. The best they can offer is to treat the symptoms. I prefer a cure instead of a lifetime of pill popping.


Jerry W. Segers is not a doctor or other medical professional. He does not give medical advice. If you need medical advice please see a medical professional. There is nothing on these pages intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information presented here is from my own personal experience or gleaned from reading medical literature for over 50 years. If anyone chooses to follow any information on this website or e-mails, they do so at their own risk. Like all other sites on the Internet it is up to the reader alone to determine if sone piece of information is suitable for any purpose whatsoever. I hope you are entertained by what you find herin.