
Hormone Balance

As humans go through various stages of life their hormone levels change. In men the testosterone starts increasing at puberty and continues to increase through procreation years then to decline until the end of life. This is associated with the loss of baby fat at puberty and the middle age spread that occurs as testosterone drops in middle age. Middle age spread can be reversed in men by natural testosterone replacement. In women, the process is more complicated. They have monthly hormone cycles, and menopause in addition to the rise and fall of testosterone.

One-size-fits-all hormone replacement using hormones from pregnant mares (Premin and Prempro) have been associated with heart failure and other problems in females. No such problems have been associated with natural hormone replacement and when natural hormones are used to return hormones to near youthful levels it helps women trying to maintain a healthy weight and reduces the problems associated with menopause. For the women I know, just adding a progesterone cream like Dr. Randolphs Natural balance Cream will make an amazing difference.

Natural Balance Progesterone cream source

For information on how to use the cream, consult Dr Randolph’s book.

Hormone Hell to Hormone Well

A better plan is to find an A4M doctor to help you interpret the hormone test listed above and prescribe the set of natural hormones you need to return your hormones to a better level if they need adjusting. The primary reason for consulting an A4M doctor was explained to me as follows: The hormones in the body are like a baby’s crib mobile. You touch or change one of them all the other move or change. An A4M doctor has been trained in how to accomplish the balancing act with as few trials as possible.

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine - Here is where you can locate an A4M doctor in your area:

Note: Unlike male hormones, female hormones are not scheduled 3 drugs. They can all be purchased over the counter and most are available through LEF.ORG if you wish the treat yourself. Males, and females with low testosterone are not so lucky. Having testosterone in your possession can get you arrested by the DEA. For that reason, you must have a doctor prescribe the testosterone for you. For this you need and A4M doctor because regular doctors will prescribe a one-size-fits-none patch and your hormones will swing all over the place.

There are two more books that have helped me with hormone balancing. The first is Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones by Suzanne Sommers. Yes, this is written by the same lady that acted the part of the blonde bimbo on the TV show, “Three’s company.” She almost died of breast cancer and decided to figure out what was wrong with her life. This is one of her early books. It is an easy read and has many excerpts from major doctors explaining hormone replacement.

Her latest book, A New Way to Age has even more information about hormone balancing and an introduction to antiaging protocols.

Side note; Suzanne managed to find a doctor that used stem cells and other advanced antiaging techniques to RE-GROW the breast that was removed. Obviously she learned something along the way.

The A4M doctor I use runs the Atlanta Internal and Integrative Medicine Clinic in Roswell Ga. Her name is Dr Forrest Smith and I highly recommend her and her associated. Note: Like most A4M doctors, Atlanta Internal and Integrative Medicine does not take insurance. This leaves them free to prescribe what is best for your health instead of what the insurance will pay for. If you are independently wealthy, you can just pay her charges up front. She gets about $200 per hour as I recall. My first visit including all tests and a 3-month HCG diet with follow-up was $1200. If on the other hand you are like me and do not have that kind of money just laying around the house. There are three ways to handle the problem. 1 - File the claims yourself to get reimbursed from your regular insurance. She provides all the proper records, but many services are not covered. 2 – Switch to an insurance policy with a large deductible and a health savings account. The HSA will reimburse for her charges. 3 - Get a high deductible plan for major problems and join a program like Liberty Health Sharing. for a low fixed monthly fee.

Here is the Atlanta Internal and Integrative Medicine Clinic web page


Jerry W. Segers is not a doctor or other medical professional. He does not give medical advice. If you need medical advice please see a medical professional. There is nothing on these pages intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information presented here is from my own personal experience or gleaned from reading medical literature for over 50 years. If anyone chooses to follow any information on this website or e-mails, they do so at their own risk. Like all other sites on the Internet it is up to the reader alone to determine if sone piece of information is suitable for any purpose whatsoever. I hope you are entertained by what you find herin.